How often and when?

Deadlines for quarterly VAT returns 

VAT returns must be submitted before strict deadlines. Each filing is a final filing. Also the payment of VAT should be done within the deadlines.

 Quarter Filing period Upload data  client  VAT return VAT payment
January 1st -March 30th First quarter before April 15th April 30th April 30th
April 1st -June 30th Second quarter before July 15th July 31st July 31st
July 1st -September 30th Third quarter before October 15th October 31st October 31st
October 1st -December 31st Fourth Quarter before January 15th January 31st January 31st

Deadlines for monthly ICP Declarations

 Month Filing period Upload data client ICP Declaration
January M01 before February 15th before February 28th
February M02 before March 15th before March 31st
March M03 before April 15th before April 30th
April M04 before May 15th before May 31st
May M05 before June 15th before June 30th
June M06 before July 15th before June 31st
July M07 before August 15th before August 31st
August M08 before September 15th before September 30th
September M09 before October 15th before October 31st
October M10 before November 15th before November 30th
November M11 before December 15th before December 31st
December M12 before January 15th before January 31st

If you sell B2B to other EU countries a monthly or quarterly ICP Declaration has to be filed as well at the last day of each month/quarter.

ICP Declaration is a specification on a VAT number level of sales to a particular customer.

We provide payment details in case of any VAT due.


Filed VAT returns 2017


Audits tax authorities 2017


Filed ICP returns in 2017